Kenneth Graham
This project has been a labor of love with immeasurable help from others.
It could not have happened without the wisdom and perspective of Grandpa's sisters, Ruth and Dorothy, who shared stories, showed me old letters and photos, and answered many questions. Ruth's lovely memoir, "One Plus One Equals Eleven," was an invaluable resource for providing context and checking dates.
My mom, Bonnie, and her siblings, Bill, Dick, Scott, and Miriam, have been so supportive along the way. I am grateful that they trusted me enough to let me loose in their childhood home, opening every drawer and dusty box to gather ephemera and bring it back to Wisconsin to organize into an archive.
Scott was also my right-hand man for photographing the bulk of Grandpa's work, helping me measure pieces, record data, and stay organized (and entertained) as I worked.
Grandpa's church, Butler United Methodist, generously allowed me to use their space to host an event for church members to bring in artwork they owned for me to photograph. This allowed me to record more of Grandpa's artwork that I otherwise would have.
There are so many other family members and friends who have contributed by sharing the artwork they own, telling me stories about Grandpa, or simply offering enthusiastic support for the project. You have all helped make this project what it is—thank you!